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Premises Licence Application

Alcohol Personal Licence Holder – Blended Learning




The cost of the Mimas premises licence application service is £900 plus VAT. We will ask you for this fee before we commence the process, but disbursements will be invoiced as we move forward with the application process.

The disbursements involved are:

Council licence application fee – this varies according to the rateable value of your premises. Most premises are in Band A or Band B. the council fee for Band A is £100 and for Band B premises it is £190.

The application for a new licence must be advertised in a local newspaper.
Costs vary, but between £200 and £300 is typical.

You will also need a Licencing plan to accompany the application, we can get this done for you at a cost of approximately £200 (depending on size of premises). Alternatively you can provide them yourself so long as they meet the set requirements.

You should budget for a total cost of approximately £1,500 for an uncontested premises licence application.


A premises licence is required for any premises from which ‘licensable activities’ are conducted. Licensable activities are: the retail sale of alcohol (for consumption on or off the premises), the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. It is only if your premises include the retail sale of alcohol that you will also need to have one or more personal licence holders to supervise and authorise sales. Premises licence applications are made to the local council in whose area the premise is situated.

Mimas takes your instructions and completes the application forms and submits the application to your local council for your premises licence.

Mimas copies-in 9 ‘responsible authorities’ (e.g., police and fire authority) with your premises licence application.

Mimas will place an advertisement of the application in local newspaper and provides you with the notice to be displayed on your premises.

We correspond with responsible authorities and agree any conditions for grant with them and with you.

When your premises licence is granted, you can start selling alcohol.


Anyone who intends to operate premises where licensable activities take place. Where alcohol is to be sold this will include pubs, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, off licences, convenience stores and supermarkets. A premises licence can be held by a person or by a limited company.

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